Introduction to Ethics for Accounting Professionals (Part 2)

Introduction to Ethics for Accounting Professionals (Part 2) When performing their professional activities, a professional accountant will encounter various circumstances which create, or might create threats to compliance with the fundamental principles. As a second part to the introduction of the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics, this course sets out requirements and application material for professional accountants in business (PAIB) when applying the conceptual framework. Course Duration 2.00 CPE Hours

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation Description A Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation is a process which enables Directors to formally close an insolvent company voluntarily. In the third to the series of Liquidation courses, learners will understand the CVL mode of liquidation and its liquidation process in detail. Course Duration 1.00 CPE Hour

Transition from an Accountant to a Business Owner Running a Practice

Transition from an Accountant to a Business Owner Running a Practice Description As an accountant, do you aspire to start up your own practice in the future? What are the resources needed to transit from a salaried employee to running your own business? How do you perceive this journey to be like and how best can you prepare yourself for the challenges or avoid any potential pitfalls? Learning Objectives Understand the pros and cons of running a business Know yourself as a business owner and how to prepare yourself to run a practice Recognize the different stages of a [...]

Career as An Insolvency Practitioner

Career as An Insolvency Practitioner Description What do you know about the insolvency and restructuring practice in Singapore? As part of the insolvency and restructuring team, what does an associate, senior, manager or even the insolvency practitioner do? How can I become an insolvency practitioner? Learning Objectives Gain an overview of the Insolvency and Restructuring industry Know the different types of insolvency engagements Understand the different stages of career as an insolvency practitioner Course Duration 2.00 CPE Hours

Introduction to Marketing

Here is our new course: Introduction to Marketing Marketing can be viewed as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, delivering, and communicating value to customers, and managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its shareholders. In this course, learners will be introduced to the fundamentals of marketing, from the traditional marketing mix to digital marketing, including steps on how to develop a marketing plan. Learning Objectives Understand the business function of marketing in an organization Know what the traditional marketing mix comprises of Get insights into the aspects of digital marketing [...]

Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism– Introductory Training

New Course! Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism– Introductory Training Description Money laundering and terrorism financing are negatively affecting the global economy, hence professional accountants are increasingly expected to practise measures adhering to the international standards recommended by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on combating these threats. In this course, learners are given an introductory training to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), and the applicable legislations in Singapore. Learning Objectives Get an introduction to money laundering and terrorism financing and how they are being conducted Understand the global anti-money laundering [...]

Members’ Voluntary Liquidation

Members’ Voluntary Liquidation A Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL) is a process that enables shareholders to appoint a Liquidator in order to formally close down a solvent company. In the second course to the series of Liquidation courses, learners will understand the MVL mode of liquidation and its liquidation process in detail.

CMCT 1 – Training, Learning & Development

Here is our new course CMCT 1 – Training, Learning & Development Description One important component of good employee management in any organization is Learning and Development. In this course, learners are introduced to a CMCT™️ Framework of Coaching-Mentoring-Consulting-Training and specifically how the training element is encapsulated within a complete L&D program for management and staff. Learning Objectives Know how the training element in the CMCT™️ Framework fits into the whole learning & development program for employee management Understand the key concepts of effective training Recognize the different learning styles and apply the principles of andragogy Develop [...]

Introduction to HR Practices for First-time Business Owners

New Course! Introduction to HR practices for first-time business owners Description Human Resources (HR) is essential in every business. In this course, learners are introduced to human resource practices that support business needs and important labor laws in Singapore that all first-time business owners should understand. Learning Objectives Understand Human Resource (HR) practices and their importance for businesses Understand key HR practices and how they collectively support business needs Course Duration 1.00 CPE Hour

Introduction to Ethics for Accounting Professionals

New Course! Introduction to Ethics for Accounting Professionals Description A professional accountant needs to uphold high professional standards and disciplined work ethics. In this course, learners are introduced to the formal and well-structured Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics that act as guidelines for ethics in the accounting profession. Learning Objectives Know what is the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Understand the fundamental principles of ethics that are applicable to all professional accountants Understand and apply the Conceptual Framework to various professional activities Course Duration 1.00 CPE Hour

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